Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year's Resolution 2012

Last year, in my one and only post, I vowed to post more often. That's one vow I failed to keep.

Some of my resolutions seemed easier to keep than others. We're eating better, I'm still volunteering with the Literacy Council and exercise has increased.

Despite numerous attempts to pare down possessions, that effort seems to have moved in fits and starts. Seems as if I got one group of things sorted and thinned out and in the next breathe I hauled in a bunch more things. In my defense the successful completion of that resolution was greatly hindered by the clearing out and sale of my parents home. It's been difficult, as least for me, to say goodbye to both my parents and the things which I associated with them. I couldn't keep my Dad forever, but I could keep his cherry chest of drawers.

Being thankful for the life I have was also sometimes problematic. The second week of January my Dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer. A blessing was that he had a wonderful, wonderful, caring physician who provided my sisters and I with all the treatment options and assisted us in making a pallative decision. Though he lived less than three more months, almost all the family was able to visit Dad prior to his passing and my sisters and I were able to share his care for the last months of his life.

I wasn't ready to let him go, perhaps we never are ready to lose those we love. But I was blessed to have had him in my life and to have had the opportunity to spend so much time with him as his life came to a close.

For me, seeing the glass as half full is an ongoing battle, but the tide may be turning for the power of positive thinking.

Seems as if last year's resolution list may need to have its deadline extended. This year I resolve to make more effort to get the job done.